Our Approach
Learn Explore Grow

Our Vision
DPS Modern Vision
DPS Modern , your child’s world vision is to provide a stimulating learning environment for children and develop a sense of “yearning for learning” amongst young minds by nurturing the uniqueness of each child.
- Every little child is a unique and divine entity, full of potential and promise. A child picks up learning cues from every action and object around him/her. If one wants to learn how curiosity can be a pre cursor to learning, one must observe a child playing with a toy.
- This curiosity is clearly visible and apparent in the eyes, movement and sound of every child. These early years of learning and development become the fundamental building blocks of every child’s personality.
- DPS Modern aims to be a leading institution in international education focusing both on conceptual and contextual learning
- We provide avenues for academic and holistic development and create globally responsible citizens who confront challenges without the fear of failure.
- We aspire to have experienced and exceptional faculty who believe in constant upskilling and professional development. We carve a community that thrives on teamwork and individual excellence. It is our vision to create an ideal environment that nurtures, prospers and strengthens these initial years
- We achieve this in myriad ways right from our classroom environment to our pedagogy which is upgraded regularly. We aim at imparting a holistic education, fostering every child in becoming a confident, independent and a self-esteemed individual.

Our Mission
DPS Modern Mission
The impressionable mind of the child can be developed into an ecosystem of learning. Every little teaching and learning endeavor with the child yields a whole new world of possibilities
- Our mission is to provide a dynamic educational environment, by encouraging excellence & ensure holistic learning is imparted. All students are challenged to reach their maximum potential by learning at their functional level to provide a solid foundation of skills, knowledge and values.
- Our Pre- Schools empower children with traits such as leadership, confidence, self-belief, responsibility, compassion, empathy and integrity. DPS Modern prepare young learners to lead themselves before leading the world.
- We strive to instil values of mutual respect, honesty, empathy and open-mindedness. With tolerance, our learners will become humane and knowledgeable citizens of the world, understanding various cultures thus promoting unity.
- To develop compassionate and young life-long learners in a stimulating environment of academic excellence. * Cultivate entrepreneurial and social skills. * Delivering consistent learning, support and development to Pre-Schools Deploying dedicated resources for the sustained evolution of Pre-Schooling environment
- Develop sensitivity and respect for all people and cultures. * Providing a well-researched comprehensive framework of Pre-School quality standards
- Extending a common and interactive learning platform to all stakeholders in Pre-Schools * Combining best global practices of early-childhood education

Happy Students
Proud Parents
Our Teachers
Hours of Combined Man Power

Parents Feedback
What Parents Say About Our Pre-school
Ms. Sangita
My daughter has been attending this preschool for six months now and I couldn't be happier with the experience. The teachers are incredibly caring and attentive, and my daughter has made so many new friends.
Ms. Malti Jain
I was hesitant to send my son to preschool at first, but I am so glad we found this school. The staff is wonderful and has made us feel like part of their family.